Recent studies in Britain have indicated that females between the ages of 12 and 16 have a higher BMI than males of the same age by 10 kg/m 2 on average International variations These recommended distinctions along the linear scale may vary from time to time and country to country, making global, longitudinal surveys problematic Subsequent studies have found that a body mass index in young adult women of between 18 to 19 is the most attractive A key point is YOUNG adult women As women grow older in adult life their body mass index naturally increases So the optimum BMI for a 30, 40, 50 or 60 year old is different from a women in her 'sYour BMI is , indicating your weight is in the category for adults of your height For your height, a healthy weight range would be from to pounds People who are overweight or obese are at higher risk for chronic conditions such as poor nutrition, high Free 19 Sample Bmi Index Chart Templates In Pdf Ms Word Excel Bmi 19 female child ...